Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Picture's Worth 1000 Words...

For the past two weeks, I have been painstakingly re-positioning about eight photos, struggling to make the gallery wall of my dreams! I feel like art in the home brings such a happy spirit...and our white walls were driving me nuts! Unfortunately for me, commitment to something permanent has always been a hard thing (Derek is lucky he made the cut!).

When I decided I wanted to make a photo wall, first I gathered up some things I really wanted on there. Not all of them made it in the end, but they will certainly find a home soon. Then I proceeded to spread them all over the living room floor...for about 12 days....(thanks for letting me carry out my creative process in our living room, honey...).

I found out I wasn't too creative. So I took to the streets of pinterest to find my dream photo wall!

Nothing really struck my interest. Until I saw:

I LOVED the top picture. With a little tweaking, a couple more days of "creative process", and a good night's rest, that sketch became this...
I knew I wanted to display The Living Christ and The Family: A Proclamation to the World...and I REALLY wanted to display our wedding certificate from the temple. The middle picture right now is a bridal, but we are planning on getting one of our wedding photos blown up to put in there (because 16x20 pictures of yourself is just slightly awkard). We will also get some wedding/engagement pics for those 8x10 frames, but we are still waiting on the digital copies from my parents.

I am loving the photos. My husband loves seeing the living room floor again. Win-Win.

1 comment:

  1. It looks super cute- and I must say, I love the blog design- it looks great!
